Thursday, June 3, 2010

NYC: Day 5

NYC: Day 5

Sorry folks, I'm a day late getting this out. I stayed with my parents for an evening and well, their computer is from 1942 or something ridiculous like that and it crashes all the time. !

Of course, I still love them, even if I want to throw the machine out the window every time I try to use it.

So, here we are Day 5, last Thursday, second day of BEA for me and I was ready! Today was the day for Cheryl and I. Trever had had enough and he was heading down to get tickets to Promises, Promises (see picture above!). In the morning we were not sure if this would happen but it was the top show on our list and we had our fingers and toes crossed.

The second day for me was much more relaxed. I knew what to expect and took my time. Overall, even though we got there around the same time it seemed a lot less crazy and hectic. We spent most of our time at the Autographing area hopping from line to line. This is where I met a lot of great people. Every one that I met in line was so super nice, whether they were a librarian, a fellow blogger, an educator or bookseller.

Shelia from Book Journey found me in line and introduced herself. She said she just looked for ladies with red hair and thought she would eventually find me! She is a fellow Minnesotan. Very lovely. I ran into Jenny from Take Me Away again. She was hanging with Jennifer from Crazy for Books, who is also a delight. We bonded over our big hair! (pictures of these lovely ladies will come in tomorrow's post. I took them the the Blogger Expo).
It was really fun finding yourself in line with these people, knowing you have the same tastes. It was so easy to chat it up with them. This day I really got a lot of great books. I met Mary from Little House on the Prairie. I snuck into the Sandra Boynton line and got the Perfect Piggies book for my son. Okay, I was finishing up in the line NEXT to Sandra Boynton right when SHE was finishing up. It was a ticketed event and I didn't want to break any rules or seem pushy because I've worked plenty of events where people ask for exceptions. It can make running an event really hard. So I didn't want to be one of THOSE people but darnit, I was in NYC, I came all this way, my son LOVES all the Sandra Boynton books and well, Cheryl made me do it.
So, I pouted and made eye contact with the publicist and she shooed me over. Hooray!
Perfect Piggies was mine, signed by Sandra to my little Kiddo.!
He loves it.
I met the Stitch and Bitch lady, Carla Neggers, Matthew Van Fleet, Anna Godbersen and a whole host of others. It was so much fun! I filled up two bags and managed to carry them okay for the rest of the day. No reports of anything stolen. Thank goodness.
I met Alyson from Simon and Schuster (picture above) My hair is enormous and I kind of look like a pumpkin in that shirt. I don't know what I was thinking. :( I was unable to meet Wendy, the other rep from Simon and Schuster that I have had email correspondence with for a few years. She was a very busy lady! Oh well. Next year, I told myself.
All in all, it was an amazing day for BEA. I only wish I would have stayed until the very end and went for one more bag. I heard they put out some cool stuff and you could pretty much take anything at that point. I left at 4 and it closed at 6.
Once again, next year.
On our way back we found out we got tickets for Promises, Promises which made us very happy. Sean Hayes AND Kristin Chenoweth. I could hardly wait!
We had a yummy dinner and I had plans to meet Christine from The Happily Ever after before the show but due to rain and traffic we only had a half hour to meet for a quick drink at my hotel. (isn't she lovely? The bartender took our pic!) I really wanted more time with her because she is such a delight but we took what we could get.
Once again, next year. Christine. Me. More time. More drinks.
Promises, Promises was so amazing. Kristin Chenoweth was not there due to throat problems which has always been my luck with shows. There is always someone missing that I love.
Sean Hayes was perfect though! It was a little hard to look past him as Jack from Will and Grace but I did part way through and really enjoyed his performance.
It was kind of like Mad Men with lots and lots of jingles. Really fun to watch!
I included a pic of Strawberry Fields just because I like that area of Central Park but we went there earlier in the week.
After the show we went back to the hotel. I organized my books, squealed a little and went to sleep. Tomorrow, of course, was going to be another BIG day for me.
It was time to put more faces to more blogger names! I could hardly wait.
'Til then.
Happy Reading and as always, thanks for stopping by!
red headed book child


Julie@My5monkeys said...

sounds like a fun time with the books and the show.

Jennifer said...

LOL!! I told you my blog header resembles me!! haha :)

Jenny said...

Great post! And you don't look like a pumpkin... that's a great picture of you!

Tales of Whimsy said...

LOVE your curly hair and scarf :)

Tales of Whimsy said...

What fun!

Christine said...

You are freakin' awesome! I LOVE these recaps.

And look at us looking all kinds of awesome in our photo, too. It was SO wonderful meeting you... even though it was too short. Darn that Lincoln Tunnel traffic... you'd think I'd have figured out that I have to allocate 2 hrs. to drive the 18 miles into Manhattan from NJ by now. Next time I will get it right and we'll have more time together. :)

Thank you for saying such kind words about me. xo

And for the record, I happen to love your hair (and your orange sweater) in the photo of you and Alyson. :)

Lisa said...

I'm so glad you were able to work in a show while you were in NYC. You'll be my go-to gal for that if I get there next year since now I know you like them!